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@PumpkinsBack It is normal.
@EpicLPer thanks
@Silkworm why someone even ask a question like that, thats my question-
@PumpkinsBack This is probably the single funniest comment interaction so far on PonySFM lol
@PumpkinsBack Agreed. Unguligrade girls are vastly superior!
@Rockstar_hedgehog that sounds really gross-
Any chance you can add barefeet to this model?
February 23, 2019
@PumpkinsBack It is normal.
@EpicLPer thanks
@Silkworm why someone even ask a question like that, thats my question-
@PumpkinsBack This is probably the single funniest comment interaction so far on PonySFM lol
@PumpkinsBack Agreed. Unguligrade girls are vastly superior!
@Rockstar_hedgehog that sounds really gross-
Any chance you can add barefeet to this model?