ReVAmped Common Assets
- Score: 11
This archive contains the shared materials/textures, rigs, and SFM_DefaultAnimationGroups files used for ReVAmped characters.
This pack is mostly useless if you already have the base packs or expansions, but a lot of OC's are shared without these, causing problems later on. If you've received a character that has the issues shown above, try installing this!
The Default Animation Groups text file provided also contains a vastly expanded list of bones and controls, all sorted to make using things as easy as possible. It's not perfect, so just be aware before installing it. It supports... basically every model I've ever bothered working with, and many I haven't. Every character in image two is 100% organised!
Added further support in the txt file for some Petruz models, more WarfareMachine models, COEL3D's Rouge the Bat, Kap.Ah's G5 ponies release, and some other tweaks!
UPDATE 02 - 2022-12-30
Many, many more models added! A full suite of Petruz models as shown, a bunch of WarfareMachine models and outfits, every single Rouge The Bat model I have installed (That's a lot of Rouges by the way), AeridicCore's new Loona model, and some new NexGen base controls.
UPDATE 03 - 2023-10-11
Did you know the default SFM_DefaultAnimationGroups file that ships with SFM is 26KB? Well Update 02 increased that to 374KB. We're now at 1,224KB.
So we've got support for so many more models. Random anime characters, FNAF models, custom characters who've found another naming scheme for hair bones, most of the Overwatch cast that I loaded while suffering from Covid and have lost the memories of, more Pokemon, Sonic characters, and thinking of that, there's a new category for weapons. Sticks the Badger's boomerang goes in there.
I should note - I've tried to keep everything consistent, but that's kinda impossible. Some bones are misnamed, some fit multiple categories, and some bones simply aren't named beyond their default state. I've still categorized them as best as I can, but be aware some models may be set up "wrongly". Like when someone named their eyebrows bone "Head.005" and it's not in Eyebrows > Eyebrow Bones.
UPDATE 04 - 2024-01-26
Happy new year! More controls are added into the DAG file, Eyebrows are now included, along with the Kerfuffle outfit.
Note: These eyebrows are technically superior to the ones shipped in previous packs as I've extended their hitboxes. This should stop them being culled if the camera hits specific angles, but will cause them to load oddly in existing sessions. Just right click the brows and use "Reattach to Model" if they go silly, then re-bonemerge them.
UPDATE 05 - 2024-03-19
More controls have been added! Specifically CumminHam's Rouge model, several models by MayoSplash, and the Dispenser/Sentry/Teleporter Waifu characters!
UPDATE 06 - 2024-07-09
There's even more controls added! I can't even remember most of them, but the file's grown from 1300kb to 1900kb. Of note it now supports every Spike model on PonySFM, AeridicCore's Jun model, more Robo-Waifu's, and more!
It also includes a standalone Bodyparts model - a bonemergeable and recolorable set of things like Horns and Wings. A quick and easy way to turn Pinkie Pie into an Alicorn!
UPDATE 07- 2025-03-15
More Controls! And some Equestria Girls shared textures in case I go through with something later on.
@N0skill It's currently a Patreon only model available on the authors Patreon page:
New Loona model? Where can I find that?