Mighty Morphin Power Ponies 4.0
- Score: 1

After much deliberation, I decided to switch Twilight and Shadow around since in ZyuRanger, Geki and Burai are brothers and I wanted it shown here due to my headcanon for who Shadow really is. Credit goes to Sindroom for the Rider Suit helmets, Stefano96 for the source files to build my pony models of Sonic, Shadow and Tails and to rebuild Rainbow, Fluttershy and Twilight in the same fashion and finally a big thx to Jordan-da-Lego-Brony for the Sunset Shimmer skin of the green ranger to help make this possible. Our team is as follows:
Sonic:Green/Dragon Ranger
Twilight: Black/Mammoth Ranger
Rainbow: Pink/Ptera Ranger
Tails: Blue/Tricera Ranger
Fluttershy: Yellow/Tiger Ranger
Shadow: Red/Tyrano Ranger
A/N: Manes and Tails can now be removed to create more of a Ranger feel. The suits and helmets now have the coloration of the new MMPR models on Steam WorkShop. To change the color of Shadow's Twilight's and my horn while morphed, just add override materials via Element Viewer. I will be updating the DaiRanger models soon. Also of note, the Pokemon in the thumbnail represent the Zords. Those models and the Power Weapon models not included