New Overhaul Princess Luna
- Score: 10

[Don't re-colour or de-complile this model]
here's the long awaited patch up model and a commission too for
Its been almost a whole year since I deleted then stash'ed her old model for you guys.
here you go guys, have fun!
Changelist from old model:
-Improved skeleton uses the same one as the VN models
-Improved weight painting
-Improved eye posing as good as I can get it to being the VN ones
-Improved textures for body, mane, tail, and, horn. more show accurate
-Improved face flexes
-Improved mane and tail bones if you wanted to make them flow more
-Improved wings both open and closed
-Patched up body mesh from the original mesh
update 12/26 -Added eyebrows
update 1/17 - added new model named "VJlunaS2_mirror"
Original Model Maker
Original Model Importer for Source Engine
Pony overhaul assists
for helping me with setting up eye posing
Princess Luna © Hasbro
Image by me
If there are any kind of bugs or errors please let me know ASAP.