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ReVAmped Kinky Twi (SFW)

  • Score: 1

"Hey! Let's stay up late and read some of the forbidden books."
JDash42's Kinky Twi has been updated to the latest ReVAmped standard!

This is the SFW version! She's got the normal Revamped things, like alternate hooves and open-able wings. There's also skingroups to toggle the corset and "RP" mane/tail textures. There's also bodygroups to swap between her hair-bun and ponytail.
Her makeup is usable as a $Detail material that can be copied to other characters if wanted.

Her "outfit" also has a standalone version so you can add the glasses, nose stud/ring, and collar to other characters.

NOTE: This model includes common shared textures, but I'd still suggest installing the main Pony pack here, or install the Shared Assets pack here. Or install both! Rigs and other useful stuff will only be updated in the Common Assets page.

Maps (BSP): 0
Materials (VMT): 0
Models (MDL): 0
Sounds (WAV): 0
Textures (VTF): 0