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ReVAmped Pie Sisters (SFW)

  • Score: 1

Time for the Pie Sisters to trot forward!

This set has Pinkamena, Marble, Maud, and Limestone.
Pinkamena has some special features as shown in the previews - she has extra skingroups, allowing for varying up her depressed coloration and soulless void-eyes.
They also all have mirrored manes, except Maud as she's pretty symetrical. She does have a hat though!

This is the SFW version, and includes cowified variants!

NOTE: This model includes common shared textures, but I'd still suggest installing the main Pony pack here, or install the Shared Assets pack here. Or install both! Rigs and other useful stuff will only be updated in the Common Assets page.

Maps (BSP): 0
Materials (VMT): 0
Models (MDL): 0
Sounds (WAV): 0
Textures (VTF): 0