Zecora Mask A
- Score: 1

The directory OBJ_MTL contains the OBJ with MTL and TGA files.
Includes LowPoly, MidPoly and HighPoly
The directory SOURCEENGINE contains the compiles valve object.The model is compiled using HL2DM. It could be used in anyother game, based on HL2DM engine and up.
Copy the materials and models into your gaming folder. ie:
<STEAM>\SteamApps\common\Half-Life 2 Deathmatch\hl2mp
The model appear named : mlp/zecoramaska-lowPoly and mlp/zecoramaska-midPoly
This model does not contain a collision mesh,use NoClip brushes
Use the lowPoly version if the model in background or it is activein gaming
You should use this model if you zoom to the model or it should bedominant in front. You should not use this midPoly model in multiplayermaps, it could slowdown the client
the high poly could not compiled with the HL2DM engine. It just haveto many vertices. You should use this model if you try to renderwith any 3D application. highPoly is only available as OBJ/MTL
There is nothing to say. No handles, no nothing :-)